Can I resell this data?
Absolutely, and we have great tools that can help you do it. You can email for more information.
Absolutely, and we have great tools that can help you do it. You can email for more information.
Our data runs at the industry average of about 85%-90%. In some areas it may run better or worse, but you should expect to have a reasonably accurate list.
You can cancel your subscription at any time. All subscriptions are non-refundable and no pro-rated refunds will be given. Please be sure to cancel at least three business days before the end of your billing cycle. Once you cancel you will still be able to enjoy the benefits of your membership through the end of …
Name of the business, phone number, owner information (where available), address, sales volume, SIC code, and web address (where available).
First name, last name, phone number, address, county, age, and estimated income.
We run major updates quarterly and minor updates monthly.
We aggregate our data from a variety of public sources as well as opt-in databases.
Absolutely not. You’re welcome to cancel your membership at any time.
Yes! Although we regularly scrub our lists against the DNC, that will not protect you from fines or other legal action if you do not register for a SAN and comply with the provisions of the TCPA. In order to be protected from legal action each caller must register for a SAN which an be …
We offer an individual unlimited plan which means we provide an unlimited amount of data for an individual user. If you plan on using more than 50,000 records per month please contact us for information about our other plans.